<TTS> To The Standard German Shepherds
P.O Box 356
Roscommon, Michigan 48653
Phone: (989) 275-6003
Cell: (989) 390-1271
Unda x Lion
Female Long Coat
Unda x Lion
Short Coat Female
Feb 2 2013
hi wendy,haven't had much time for myself,go figure.jackie is doing great,she sleeps in a crate in my room,only cused at me the first nite,she slept till 5:30 this morning straight thru from 9 p,m,she is eating well and playing hard,only had a few accidents,I take her out alot.she likes to chew,but we have many options,except my ankles,ouch!we showed her off yesterday at john's school.she is sleeping right now ,we were running up and down the driveway,way far away from the road.Sierra has shown her who the big dog is, so to speak,she gave us the look at first"are you kidding me?"I think she is finally getting use to her.jackie's ears are sticking up and go together in the back,needless to say,she is doing great.thank you so much,I have been taking pictures,but the thing to put it on the computer is packed somewhere.,hopefully we will be moving in march,then I can download them.hope her sister is well,take care,linda
Hi Wendy,
Here is an update of Princess Jackie. She will be a year old on the 12th!
Best dog ever,
Linda Crockett
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