<TTS> German Shepherds
P.O Box 356
Roscommon, Michigan 48653
Phone:(989) 275-6003
Cell: (989) 390-1271
<TTS> German Shepherds proudly offers a lifetime warranty on all puppies sold .If determined, by a veterinarian, that said puppy has any genetic problems that would preclude it from living an otherwise normal and healthy life, or in the case of hip evaluation, as determined by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), <TTS> German Shepherds will replace the puppy with another puppy of equal value. To get a replacement puppy you do NOT have to give the original puppy back. This warranty is only for the original purchaser's of the puppy.
Our family has one of the puppies from Wendy's litters that was born on Dec 22,2011.Hope has been the most amazing pet we could have asked for .. Wendy's dogs are well mannered an absolutely gorgeous .. Wendy stands by her word .. A few years back we had our first puppy from her a puppy we named Mia we loved her with all our hearts .. Mia was poisoned on August 27,2011 we lost her .. The sadest my family has ever had . When Wendy found this out she felt horrible for our family and offered us a puppy when we were ready ..she takes care of her dogs better then anyone I have seen in along time .. I will alway recommend ttsgermansherpherds..
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E-Mail Received 10/26/09 From David Dee:
Hello Wendy Since my first experience with you a year ago, when I purchased my male pup that I called "NOAH" from a litter between Gretta and Jerry Lee- I have had nothing but the best of your help and provision. As I kept in touch with you about Noah's 3 month problem with 'anal gland disease,' my need to euthanize him because there was no cure that several veterinarian's tried but failed at. You kindly walked me through that hard decision, and to my great surprise and joy, you offered me the great privilege of having the 'first pick' of the litter from Natalya and Jerry Lee. When you told me that there would be 'NO' cost to me that I lost Noah- I was overwhelmed at your generosity! Now that I have 'Shiloh' and can see him developing into another wonderful GSD, with all of 'the right stuff,' I just wanted to thank you again. Noah was such a great dog, it had nothing to do with your breeding of his parent's, and yet you provided me with a new puppy when I had to give him up. WOW! Keep up the super excellent GSD care, breeding, and new home placement - people who do business with you will always have you as the best friend on their side. My esteem for you professionalism and personal customer care is top, top notch! Sincerely, David Dee
COMMENT'S FROM CHARLIE AND ASHLEY (GERMANY): "TRIGGER" is doing great the first day he fell in love with his little girl and loves to play with the kids. His second day he attended a party and played with all the kids they were having a great time bot "TIGGER" and the kids. Thanks Wendy, Ashley and Charlie
Jessica <jwright888@.com>
Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 9:50 PM
To: birdw50@gmail.com
after losing our girl Juno so sudden to a blood clot/aneurysm Wendy was beyond kind and was willing to give us a new pup. we are so blessed to continue to be part of the TTS family. Wendy is a true example of how breeders should conduct themselves and she only gives her pups to those that she knows is a rite fit for her pups. we picked up our Boy Negan on the 29th of September. He has adjusted well to three very rowdy Toddlers and a new Big sister who we rescued from our local Police Dept. his personality is blossoming every day and he is doing so great crate training and has only had one accident which was my fault because I was making dinner and not paying attention while he was playing with his boys.with all this being said I would highly recommend anyone looking for a great shepherd for their family I would say call Wendy. We hope to be part of TTS family for a very very long time . Thank you Wendy for our new precious boy Negan Von TTS
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The Hoover family in the first photo are taking their puppy Rossea a Unda and Lion female home that was 5 years ago. On Labor Day of this year 2017 Rossea suffered the loss of the use of her 4 limbs and was taken to the Emergency Vet after few hours and running test on Rossea the Hoovers where told that she had a blood clot and the humain thing to do for Rossea was to put her down. Once I heard that I offered the Hoover's a puppy they chose a sable female from our Tank and Aslan litter and they named her Izzy. We replaced Rossea with a puppy NOT to replace Rossea but to help fill a little of the hole in their heart's left by the loss of Rossea. We wish many, many years of joy and happiness for the Hoover family and Izzy.