<TTS> To The Standard German Shepherds
P.O Box 356
Roscommon, Michigan 48653
Phone: (989) 275-6003
Cell: (989) 390-1271
I would most defiantly recommend anyone who would like a GOOD german shepherd puppy to check out <TTS>. Wendy is very knowledgeable about the breed. She is very caring of her puppies.

Rockie, Holly, Michigan
E-Mail Received 10/26/09 From David Dee:
Hello Wendy Since my first experience with you a year ago, when I purchased my male pup that I called "NOAH" from a litter between Gretta and Jerry Lee- I have had nothing but the best of your help and provision. As I kept in touch with you about Noah's 3 month problem with 'anal gland disease,' my need to euthanize him because there was no cure that several veterinarian's tried but failed at. You kindly walked me through that hard decision, and to my great surprise and joy, you offered me the great privilege of having the 'first pick' of the litter from Natalya and Jerry Lee. When you told me that there would be 'NO' cost to me that I lost Noah- I was overwhelmed at your generosity! Now that I have 'Shiloh' and can see him developing into another wonderful GSD, with all of 'the right stuff,' I just wanted to thank you again. Noah was such a great dog, it had nothing to do with your breeding of his parent's, and yet you provided me with a new puppy when I had to give him up. WOW! Keep up the super excellent GSD care, breeding, and new home placement - people who do business with you will always have you as the best friend on their side. My esteem for you professionalism and personal customer care is top, top notch! Sincerely, David Dee
E-Mail Received 09/27/09
Hi Wendy! Just a not to tell you Bolt (TTS Pup) and Abbey (TTS Pup) are best friends! He has calmed down with her, and she is following him everywhere, like he is the leader! I told you Bolt weighed 70 pounds at 7 months, well Abbey now weighs 26 pounds at 12 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bolt weighted 22 pounds at 12 weeks! She is not going to be a little puppy. I can now feed and let them outside together, and they keep each other occupied. Take Care,\ Heidi
E-Mail Received 08/24/09 From The Snyder Family
Hi there Wendy! We just wanted to let you know that Ranger is doing wonderful- he is absolutely amazing. Ranger has adapted very well with life at the Snyder house and all our daily routines- what a great German shepherd puppy we have. We are very excited to watch him grow and enjoy each and every minute we have with him- he is definitely the baby of the family. Thanks again for the care of and such beautiful German shepherds! Will be in touch- take care. The Snyder Family
E-Mail Received 09/09/09 From Corliss & CC
What a nice letter! Thank u! Yes I certainly will keep you up to date with his progress and his pic's! He will be making his first introduction in 1 wk- he will be guest of honor at a library open house where children will be introduced to him and what his role will be as a servicedog. Then they will read to him some stories:) I will make sure u get pic's and if he is in the newspaper will send u a clipping! He is wonderful. He follows me everywhere, he responds immediately to my clapping, he has not had any housebreaking problems, he waits to go out already. He sleeps in a crate next to my bed and when he needs to go out hits the side of crate with his paw wakes me up, take him out to pottie, back in crate and sleep and fine the rest of night. I absolutely could not ask for anything better! He went to class with me yesterday and was perfect, went to doctors got clean bill of health, so everything is perfect! His name is CC, stands for "Constant Companion". Will be easy for people to say and "sign";) Thanks so much for all ur help!! Corliss & CC
E-Mail Received 07/13/09 From Lisa
We love our Grace so much. She is such an awesome addition to our family. She has grown into such a wonderful dog. Grace loves the water she loves the sprinkler my daughter's pool she took that over and she loves the creek that runs through our property. If she see's us putting things in the boat she will not leave our side. We are very happy with her. Our whole family loves her. So much that my father in law is interested in getting one of your pups. But he wants a pup with the same parent's as our Grace, Libby and Jerry Lee Thank You- Lisa
E-Mail Received 09/12/08 From Kendra Salerno
Hi Wendy, We have had Zeus for 11 months now and I can't tell you how impressed we are with him and his general disposition! He is the sweetest dog I have ever has and his general disposition! He is so loving and great with strangers, yet he's protective of his home. What a beautiful dog! No one could ask for anything more, I just sent you some updated pictures for you. ENJOY! Sincerely, Kendra Salerno Coral Springs, Florida
E-Mail Received 06/06/07 From Dean and Mary
Thanks Wendy for the great little addition to our family!! Jock is about 4 months old now and he is thriving very well. He has tripled in size now. Very loving little guy. He has to have his hug before his breakfast. We love him thank you again Wendy Dean and Mary
E-Mail Received 08/24/08 From Wendy Brown
Wendy, We are so happy with Thor he is a Blessing he is very well adjusted and a very healthy BIG boy he now weights in at 30.6 pounds and that was at his last check up 2 weeks ago I'm sure he is up there once again. He is very playful and allot of fun. Our other German Shepherd Angel and him are getting along very well. He loves to chase our daughter Oleata around the property we could not have asked for a more handsome well behaved boy. When we get the chance we will send you some pictures. Take Care Wendy Mesick, Michigan
E-Mail Received 08/21/08 From Elaine W.
Hi! Just wanted to give you an update on Lizzie... she's doing just beautifully! And she LOVES Lake Michigan... lots of sand to dig in, kids on the shore to play with and she's even going in on her own (up to her neck--no actual dog paddle yet). Potty training is basically over- she scratches at the door and she's enjoying meeting all the island friends and relations. Getting along with our two older dogs tho the 14 year old lab tries to get into Lizzie's crate for naps and the young one is having a ball trying to steal the squeaky toys away from the puppy. We love her dearly already! Elaine W. Beaver Island
More testimonials will be added when time allows.
E-Mail Received 03/30/09 From Tammy and Tony K.
Thought you would enjoy a few pictures of Mercy. She has come to a very loving home and will be taken care of, probably will become a little spoiled! We adpoted her on Saturday from a pet rescue. I saw her online earlier in the week and couldn't stop thinking about her. My husband researched her again online and we then went to see her. Love at first sight. Tammy and Tony K., Ida, Michigan
E-Mail Received 08/08/09 From Tammy and Tony K.
Hi Wendy!
Thought me and my husband would send a couple pic's of Mercy, we thought you would enjoy. She has come a long way. As you can see, she likes to shake hands and she loves to play frisbee. She most of all, loves her family. She is a very loyal girl. We couldn't leave out Sheriff. He is in all the pictures because they are always together. Sorry it has taken me awhile to get these to you, but as you can see I have been busy gardening outside of working and everything else. My daughter has had a little bad luck come her way lately so me and my husband have been helping her get through her dilemma. It never ends. Hope all is well with you and your dogs. Me and Tony checked out the web page and it looks like you have more pups. Boy it sure makes me want to get another. Maybe one day! Take care talk at you soon. Tammy and Tony
E-Mail Received From Larry Petrimoulx
I just wanted to Thank You for going above and beyound the call in helping me and my dog "Mirage". When I called you, I told you the puppy I had purchased from you was beyond my ability to control and train. You reminded me of what you had said when I purchased him, "If you have a problem then we have a problem".
You said that I could bring him back to you and you would train him for me. That was amazing that any breeder would go that far to help a buyer. You kept him and worked with him for 2 months.
When I came to pick him up, I couldn't beleive it was the same dog. He was well mannered, quiet and obedient.
I think that I can safely say that no other breeder would do that. You gave me back a devoted friend for life. Thank You Very Much.
Larry Petrimoulx
COMMENT'S FROM HEIDI (on her purchase of BOLT):
The one thing that will stand out in our minds was the joy on my son's face when we got BOLT. We would like to get another pup this fall from you. Heidi
Hello Wendy, I just wanted to e-mail you now since I can and give you an update on "Trigger". He is a cpmplete blast and a pleasure to have. We all have fallen in love with him, and he has blended right in with our hectic live. The guy is so smart that sometimes I think it would have been better to have a dumb dog, but he has his own personality and loves to be huged and petted. He can open all the doors in the house and is really protective of all the kids. His temperment is great, he enjoys other people besided our family, and still loves playing with other dogs. His baby teeth it seems are almost gone, Thank God. He really didn't chew anything when my wife and kids were gone, cause there was nothing setting around, but when they got back it was game on for toys, so the kids learned if they didn't want anything chewed up they better pick it up. As far as physically he weights 50 lbs, and still growning, the brown is starting to come in through his shoulders and his face, he has alot of energy, and loves to relax with the family. The funniest thing is to watch him eat, he is lazy, he will lay on his belly and eat, when the food gets low he will trun his head and dig into the bowl. So all and all we love him and are very thankful for your help getting him, we would have never wanted a different dog, he is a 10 out of 10!. And here are some pictures of him. Sincerely Charlie
COMMENT'S FROM CHARLIE AND ASHLEY (GERMANY): "TRIGGER" is doing great the first day he fell in love with his little girl and loves to play with the kids. His second day he attended a party and played with all the kids they were having a great time bot "TIGGER" and the kids. Thanks Wendy, Ashley and Charlie
COMMENT'S FROM MARTY & JERRY: Thank you Wendy for not selling us the 1st pup we wanted (Andy's brother) you were right about "ANDY" and his personality. Andy is wonderful as we are older we really did not need a high energy dog. Andy likes to go out and run with the others and play with us he comes in and is layed back. Andy is one smart guy our customer's highly enjoy him and are also intimidated by his size (120 lbs) and his bark. His present's helps keep the bad guys away we are safe with Andy close by. Thanks again, Marty & Jerry
COMMENTS FROM ROB & ROB: "NAKOMA" is a beautiful and smart GSD puppy. We liked you calls. It was nice to see howl the other pups are doing too. I liked being able to ask questions about her ears. What will stand out is your web site and being able to speak with you for details on the pups and parent's, we like you web site even now. We like seeing the picture's and progress of all the other pups. "NAKOMA" was the right choice for us considering our older dog was in the mix too. She will need some extra help with socializing bit I think we are doing all the right things to help her along. We would recommend you to other people, you care about breeding healthy, good dogs. We would describe you as knowledgable & concerned about your GSD'S
COMMENT'S FROM SUE: It's hard to think of Rockie as a purchase she's a member of the family. She's such a sweet girl we could really feel how much you loved your dogs. She came home totally spoiled with all the toy's and health care products. Wendy you went way beyond what the average breeder does. The calls you made were GREAT it really nice to know you really did care about Rockie and how she was doing in her new home and with her family. We knew you cared about her when we came and got her but we were really amazed at how you stayed in touch with us after she came home. We would ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY RECOMMEND you and your dogs. Thanks for a GREAT experience. Sue
COMMENT'S FROM LIZ: Wendy thanks for breeding such a great dog Libby and Jerry Lee did a AWESOME job just plain AWESOME. Taylor loves our daughter she is her guardian, playmate, best friend and her protector I never have to worry about my daughter when Taylor is around. She is a great joy to all the family simply the best. I would recommend a LIBBY x JERRY LEE pup to anyone. Liz
COMMENT'S FROM RUSS & LINDA: Wendy, Lily is a super dog my kids and wife just love her. She loves the water and playing we all love her thank you for such a good dog. I would high recommend you to anyone who wants a GSD. You care and you love your puppies and where they go the calls you make after the sale is great thanks for answering all our questions. We will only get our next GSD from you Wendy. Thanks again, Russ
COMMENT'S FROM KENDRA, Flordia: My experience with Wendy at <TTS> German Shepherds was a great one! I love my new german shepherd "ZUES". He's one awesome dog and I would recommend <TTS> German Shepherds to anyone that I come in contact with that's interested in getting a German Shepherd AWESOME experience.
COMMENT'S FROM TOM: "TIMBER" is the most loyal dog in the WORLD. I was only presured into getting "TIMBER" by my kids. You took us into your home and let us play and interact with "TIMBER" and let us decide on our own wither we wanted "TIMBER". There was never any presure by you to purchase him you told us that no one should presure you into anything if someone is don't walk away RUN. The care package was a great starter for "Timber" we didn't need to get anything right away. Wendy you were very through with your dogs and we know we can call you anytime with any questions we have with or about "Timber". When we can to your home we could see all your dogs were well cared for and they where happy they came out and greeted us that was great. "Timber's" first trip to the vet was great health, happy and the vet said he was going to be a horse when grown. What will stand out in my mind is pulling in your yard and seeing the dogs and thinking to myself thats what I want. Wendy I think it is really hard for you to let your puppies go you really care about them I could see that. You have good dogs and we do highly recommend you to others who ask us about "Timber". The words I would us to describe you is"PERSONALBE". "CARING" and "KNOWLEDGEABLE" when someone purchases a puppy from you they are purchasing from people not a kennel or company. I am very happy with "Timber", my family is his PRIDE & JOY and my children are very safe with "TIMBER". I think everyone should have a shepherd. Thanks Wendy, Tom
COMMENT'S FROM CAITLIN: "KOBY" is doing good she is a wonderful addition to our zoo. She walks and runs along side of me when I ride my horse.
COMMENT'S FROM PAT & TERRY: "Gage" is a great dog. Smart, beautiful and a great part of our family. We would recommend a Libby x Jerry Lee puppy to anyone there puppies are great we love ours.
Ashley Friday, 5/7/10, 7:29 PM (Left On Our Guest Book Libby x Jerry Lee Puppy)
Wendy, Thank you for breeding FAMILY/PET German Shepherds. Most people don't have a flock of sheep in their backyard so they dont need a high energy working dog to protect their livestock. Many families have children, work full time and have busy lives. They want a loyal, protective yet friendly dog that their friends and neighbors can be around without concern. They dont have time to 'work' their dog for hours each evening to burn off the energy. They want a beautiful, smart German Shepherd to be in their home as a part of their family. So many breeders produce HIGH energy working dogs. Their dogs may be beautiful and smart but will be climbing the walls without a job (or worse, eating the walls!) We LOVE being able to run, hike, swim, and play with our dog. Hes up for anything! we also love spending a day inside, curled up reading a book, playing a game or just doing chores without worrying that hes going to get into trouble because hes bored. Hes just as happy to hang out inside with us as he is running and playing outside. People just dont have the same needs they did when the German Shepherd breed was created. Thank you for breeding outstanding, healthy, beautiful shepherds with moderate energy levels that fit into almost all family homes. Your dogs are amazing as is your love for them. Thank you!
From: Mi
COMMENT'S FROM IAN: I'm very happy with Mavrick, the whole process was very easy and fit into my schedule. The calls you made were just enough, it was nice to hear from you and know that you were still concerned about his welfare and how we liked him. I also really liked he was microchipped, I would have this done to all dogs. I also really liked he was started on Sentinal and my vet thought that was great he said not many breeders care so much. I knew when I got him he was in great health my vet loved him. The care package was unexpected and much appreciated it was a great starter kit for us. I will also remember the flight home with Mavrick, he was so small then only 13 lbs and now weighs 125 lbs. You were right on with his personality and I would and do recommend you and your dogs. If you want a dog that will be in good health, with a good temperment and hones people to deal with, this is the place to go. Thank You Wendy, Mavrick is a big part of my family. Ian
Kimberly Fullerton Wednesday, 5/19/10, 6:15 AM (Left On Our Guest Book Gretta x Jerry Lee Puppy)
There would need to be a new word in the dictionary to describe just how wonderful Wendy is! We could not possibly say enough great things about her. Our Judge German Shepherd is out of this world. Her compassion and knowledge about this breed is tremendous. You could not make a better decision ever, by choosing Wendy to provide a puppy to your family. I would go so far as to say the lucky ones get Wendy. Most Sincerely, Kimberly and Richard Fullerton
From: Au Sable, MI
Email: lexash@aol.com
GOOD BREEDER (Left On PuppyFind As A Review Libby x Jerry Lee Puppy, Onis x Jerry Lee Puppy)
I would most defiantly recommend anyone who would like a GOOD german shepherd puppy to check out TTS. Wendy is very knowledgeable about the breed. She is very caring of her puppys. I purchase a female pup from Wendy {TTS} on 4-24-09> She is wonderful .I LOVE HER. Wendy was so helpful.I called her about everything and she always helped me with all my questions. Wendy is one breeder who is not just in it for the Money.But to breed heatly @ happy puppys and she puts then in good homes. she is still there for you after you have picked up your new friend she is still there to help anyway she can .SO IF YOU WANT A GOOD PUPPY AND A FRIEND FOR LIFE CHECK OUT TTS YOU WONT GO WRONG THANKS ALOT WENDY, ROCKELL ENGLISH
Reviewer: rockell, June 1, 2009 [ Delete ]
Awesome Breeder in Michigan! (Left On PuppyFind As A Review Natalya x Jerry Lee Puppy)
If you are looking for a knowledgable, honest and integrity driven breeder for German Shepherd puppies - then you have found the right one with TTS German Shepherds in Michigan! Our family just recently purchased a male german shepherd puppy out of the Natayla and Jerry Lee litter this summer. Before we purchased Ranger, I had researched all over online for a reputable breeder that took outstanding care of their dogs and after many months, I found TTS on puppyfind and knew that I had found what we had been looking for. Wendy, the breeder has answered any question we have thru the whole process of owning our shepherd; even after we came home with our new puppy. I have personally seen all the TTS german shepherds, they are all very well taken care of in a family/friendly home environment. Ranger is a beautiful black/tan saddleback with great temperment and the intelligence that is signature for a german shepherd. Many thanks goes out to Wendy for such a wonderful puppy.
Reviewer: Nicole, August 19, 2009 [ Delete ]
Wonderful puppy (Left On PuppyFind As A Review Libby x Jerry Lee Puppy)
I just purchased a puppy from TTS and can't explain how happy I am. Both with the puppy and Wendy, she has been so helpful and honest. Seems hard to find honest breeders and quality dogs all at the same place, but I found it all at TTS. I looked for a while until I found Wendy (TTS) and soon after I started talking to her I knew I would purchase a puppy from her. If your looking for a great dog and someone with knowledge and honest, look no further, purchase from TTS... THANKS A BUNCH WENDY
Reviewer: Dawn, December 27, 2009 [ Delete ]
Thanks for our "BUCK"
Buck is extremely playful, loveable and so smart! I could not have asked for a better dog! I would definately get another dog from T T S. Wendy did not presure us into purchading a pup it was a relaxed enviroment we got to play with all the pups it was a very enjoyable experience. The care package was wonderful. It was nice to know you care about the pups and how they are doing the phone calls were great other breeders wouldn't have cared. The 1st trip to the vet was great he was in excellent health THEY LOVED HIM they even took pictures of him. I have already recommended you to other people. Wendy I just want to thank you for everything we love "BUCK" very much. Thank you for giving us a beautiful family member. Jessica
Reviewer: JESSICA, September 26, 2008 [ Delete ]
WAR (Left On PuppyFind As A Review Gretta x Jerry Lee Puppy)
We would recommond < T T S > German Shepherds. We love our WAR she is a terrific pet is smart and enjoyable. It was nice to know that you cared where your puppies are placed, how they are doing and how everything is going. We liked the puppy care package the thought was nice and unexpected. You never presured us into purchasing a pup and you informed us on the German Shepherd breed. We where at your home for a hour we thought your home was confortable and we were impressed with the cleanliness of the puppies. Wendy you were much cleaner and more caring of your puppies. War's first trip the the vet was great she was loved by everyone and she was healthy. We would recommend you and your dogs to everyone who asked us about our WAR. I have a couple of words to describe you FREINDLE - CARING - HELPFUL.
Reviewer: Wendy, May 29, 2008 [ Delete
Zeus ( Left On PuppyFind As A Review Libby x Jerry Lee Puppy)
My experience with Wendy at TTS German Shepherds was a great one! I love my new german shepherd "zeus". He's one awesome dog and I would recommond TTS German Shepherds to anyone that I come in contact with that's interested in getting a german shepherd. AWESOME EXPERIENCE!
Reviewer: Kendra, April 10, 2008 [ Delete ]
ANDY (Left On PuppyFind As A Review Libby x Jerry Lee Puppy)
Andy is a very smart guy he keeps us off the couch, you never presured us into purchasing him and you are very tuned into your dogs. The phone calls that you made after our purchase was very nice to know you cared about him. Andy still plays with the toys you gave him in his care package that was nice. Jerry and I feel we can call you anytime with any questions we have. The last breeder we purchased a pup from could have caredless on where they went and did not take good care of the puppies you were alot better you truly care where they are placed and how they are doing. Andy's first trip to the vet's was very good everything came out great. One of the things that will stand out in our mind on our purchasing Andy was the knowledge of your dogs. We wanted a layed back guy and you were right he is layed back not aggresive he is friendly with people and does very well with other animals as well. We were very happy to meet you and we thank you for our ANDY Marty and Jerry
Reviewer: Marty/Jerry, October 30, 2007 [ Delete ]
WAR (Left On PuppyFind As A Review Gretta x Jerry Lee Puppy)
We would recommond < T T S > German Shepherds. We love our WAR she is a terrific pet is smart and enjoyable. It was nice to know that you cared where your puppies are placed, how they are doing and how everything is going. We liked the puppy care package the thought was nice and unexpected. You never presured us into purchasing a pup and you informed us on the German Shepherd breed. We where at your home for a hour we thought your home was confortable and we were impressed with the cleanliness of the puppies. Wendy you were much cleaner and more caring of your puppies. War's first trip the the vet was great she was loved by everyone and she was healthy. We would recommend you and your dogs to everyone who asked us about our WAR. I have a couple of words to describe you FREINDLE - CARING - HELPFUL.
Reviewer: Wendy, May 29, 2008 [ Delete ]
Stacie L.
Oct 10, 2012
Our family has one the puppies from Wendy's litters that was born on Dec 22,2011.Hope has been the most amazing pet we could have asked for .. Wendy's dogs are well mannered an absolutely gorgeous .. Wendy stands by her word .. A few years back we had our first puppy from her a puppy we named Mia we loved her with all our hearts .. Mia was poisoned on August 27,2011 we lost her .. The sadest my family has ever had . When Wendy found this out she felt horrible for our family and offered us a puppy when we were ready ..she takes care of her dogs better then anyone I have seen in along time .. I will alway recommend ttsgermansherpherds..
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Wendy!
Just wanted to let you know that we have made it home, and of course the cat is a little ticked off at us. We have decided to name the little girl Val. She is settleing in very good for just being home for a few hours, but already my husband and I have fallen in love with her little personality.
It was a pleasure meeting you today. Thank you for breeding a wonderful pup!
Hi Wendy!
Hope everything in your neck of the woods is going well. As promised here are some new pics of Val that I snapped this morning. She is an amazing dog! I have been ill and home bond for pretty much this whole summer and my .little girl has never left my side. It doesn't matter if I'm in the yard, taking a shower or even trying to make supper. She has just recently figured out that she has a voice and can be heard. We have a railroad that is directly behind the house and she has never yet barked at one of the workers, they are amazed at what a beautiful well behaved german shepherd she has tuned into, as they have been lucky enough to watch her grow over the months.
She is amazing with other animals, as she weekends at times on my daughter's horse farm. She is a natural herder and tries to keep the farm geese and ducks in Val's allocated spot for them. "squeaky" as she is know by my daughter "is the best german shepherd i have ever owned".
She is a little bit of a digger, and since our home was built in 1875, she has dug up old blue mason jars the were about a foot down, when she starts digging you know that there is a treausre down below, now only if she could find the coffe cans with the money in it!!!
Val is very inquisitive, very out going and extremely friendly. She had a little difficulty adjusting to the "little people" in our family, but once she realized that they weren't going to hurt her, they became hers. Someone would be in a world of hurt if they tried to get between Val and her "little people", Pretty much she has enjoyed a summer of leisure and fun, she is such a couch potato in the house, except when she thinks it's tennis ball time and then you could lay on the couch while she rounds up all her balls and gently places them on your body till you give in.
She has been an amazing addition to our family in so many aspects it's hard to even begin where. I knew she was going to be a wonderful dog when we came to look at her, but she has surpassed my expectations. I really don't know what I would have done without her this summer. She has been an awesome companion, and has watched out for me in the past months when I was down. She has never left my side and is there to help me up when I need to stand or sit, she's learned to pick things up for me when I can't reach them.
Now the only question I have, is shoudl we get another one for her as a playmate??? So if you ever have one that needs placement, please think about us.
Oh, she weights about 62 lbs and is all front legs.
Dawn Goerlitz
Alice is doing GREAT! We finished intermediate classes at petsmart last November and we are waiting until she gets a little older to have her take the advanced class to get her CGC. She is so energetic and fun! She really loves the dog park and has made a lot of friends there, and so have we! Alice is very healthy and is about 60 lbs! It's great hearing from you Wendy. Hope all is well. I attached a couple of pictures and here is another video! =)
October 2011 Alice chased a guy breaking into Autums garage. Yes, Alice barked at him then chased him and came right back when Autum called her back. Good Girl Alice she was soooo proud of what she had done. I dont think anyone will mess with Autum's house or garage anymore LOL. ALICE AND MILES ARE 1/2 BROTHER AND SISTER AND ALICE IS THE OLDER OF THE 2 BOTH ARE TTS GERMAN SHEPHERDS. We love you both Alice (Onis x Fhelkor) and Miles (Onis x Jerry Lee).
Hi Wendy:
Thought I’d send an update on Jasper who is now 9 months old. He’s as big as his “sister” Ruby who is now 2 years old. What a great boy he is! He and Ruby are best buddies. They play rough in the back yard, chasing and barking and tumbling around, but the minute they come into the house, they are the best of pets and settle right down! Ruby is vocal and sounds the “Shepherd alarm” if she hears a noise or senses danger; Jasper is quick to follow, as back-up, but not as vocal. He is vocal when it’s time to eat – he has this bark that sound like he’s yelling at us to hurry up and get his food ready…then he dances around us as we carry his bowl to his spot!! He loves to be near us and for a big dog, is very gentle as he sneaks up on the couch to cuddle next of one of us!! Thank you for such a great doggie with the perfect temperament for our family!
Take care,
Erin Sullivan
Hi Wendy,
Thanks for the email. Elvis is doing very well. He's going to be beautiful as an adult. He's growing like weed. He was at the vet last week for his 3rd round of shots and weighed 32 pounds! Pretty big for 12 weeks. He's been doing very well with house training. No accidents in several weeks. He chews A LOT. Keeping him focused on appropriate toys and away from hands, feet, socks, shoes, magazines, etc. has been a challenge, but he's been gradually getting better. Do you have any good tricks for training them not to chew? I'll try to send some photos tonight or tomorrow night.
Take care,
David Patton
Hi Wendy,
This is Connie, Faith and all of us are loving Callie... We had some computer problems lately and just today went and printed out a disc with recent pictures of Faith and Callie I am actually planning on emailing you with them tomorrow. I rarely ever...get on this email so sorry it's been so long responding to you.
We just had Callie in for her check up last week shes just tipping the scale at 70.3 She's a joy and a lil stinker too.
Thanks for writing and I will send them to you in the morning..
Faith and Connie and family
Hi Wendy
It’s been awhile since I’ve talked with you. Jerry Lee is now a year old. He loves the water. It is such fun to watch him play in his little pool everyday. From the day we brought him home, he has been a lover. Easy to work with. Potty trained quickly. But I guess the most impressive part was when my husband had back surgery, Jerry Lee was very attentive to him. So gentle. It was as if he recognized that he wasn’t well. He stayed by him and if he needed something, Jerry would get me. Jerry was seven months old at that time. I’ve noticed this in other situations, too. My neighbor has an older lab that Jerry visits daily. She has arthritis. Jerry seems to know the days he can push her to run with him and play ball and the days that she is in pain. On those days, he just lays by her, puts his paw on her shoulder (it looks like he is giving her a hug), and kisses her. My neighbor is trying to get a picture of that.
I also wanted to tell you how much we appreciated your many contacts with us! I was impressed with those and appreciated your support with the puppy training. But, I also felt that the attention you gave us let me know how much you care about your dogs. That was important to me. We were strangers when we bought Jerry Lee, and your caring let me know that Jerry had come from a loving environment. That is probably why he is such a sweetheart.
He has not had any problems physically. Our vet says he is a very healthy guy. His next visit to the vet is in October. I may take him in to have him weighed again sooner than that. I know he weighs more than 90 lbs., but need to be more specific for the correct dosages of heart worm meds.
Thank you so much for all your support, the valuable tips, and most of all for allowing us to purchase your puppy! I’ll send more pictures soon.
Darlene Stroh 2012
Dawn Goerlitz September 30, 2012
Hanz is doing great. He is doing well in his puppy obidence class. is vet absolutely loves him. Says he's the best GSD that he has seen in years!Val and him are inseperatable, and he is like my little shadow. So needless to say I have both of them within 3 feet of me at all times. Hanz is a bundle of fun! Will send you some pics this week. Dawn
9:46pm 11/26/2012
Colleen Bondy
Hi Reo is 66 pounds of happy puppy love , Is that wait normal for his age ? he still likes to suck on his toys and us.loves to go for long walks to town and Star Bucks for coffee bread store for a pat and just out of the oven bread pieces.He got his good cittzenship.We love him very much
Sent from Mobile
Hi Wendy!
Sorry it has taken me a while to get pictures to you. Zoe is doing great and is the love of our lives. She seems to be such an intelligent puppy and already a great companion.
We couldn't be happier with Zoe!
Thank you!
Good Afternoon Wendy,
Things are going great. Otto seems to be adjusting very. He has really taken a loving to Allie our daughter. He follows her around everywhere and cannot stand when she leaves the room. We just love him so much. I know they encourage crate traning at night, but after two nights of him crying I gave it up. He was so much happier last night and slept through the night with only one potty break needed. I was shocked.
Coy called Dr. Witt and we have our appointment on Friday. He wasn't open after Coy was out of work this week and he is out earlier than me. The appointment is at 4:00 on Friday.
The only problem we are seeing at this time is that he is eating his waste instantly. We have to watch him very closely. While we are at work we come home to a clean crate. I know what is going on. We are going to talk to Witt about that just to see if he has suggestions. He is a puppy so hopefully just something he will learn he cannot do.
Overall, we are so happy. Thank you very much for the e-mail.
Have a great day,
Hey Wendy,
Hope everything is going good your way.Sorry I missed your call, work is crazy we are down to three staff members.Please call anytime. I miss living in Gaylord quite often, but I'm glad I have the short and mild winters down here. Major is doing excellent! He is by far the smartest puppy, maybe I'm a little biased though lol. We work with him everyday and he already knows sit, lay down, lay in bed, bring ball back, shake, and roll over. The little guy gets along great with everyone in the house but I'm his "favorite", he follows me everywhere and whines if I leave the room. He walks great on a leash and loves going to the clinic with me. At his last weigh in he is 23 pounds now! I can't say enough about the wonderful dogs you breed, and I will for sure recommend you to anyone who si looking for a shepherd. Here are some updated pictures of Major, and once again thank you, I just love him so much!
hi wendy,how are you?have to say that Jackie is a very good dog,she isn't biting as much an listens pretty good.we just love her!she will be 4 months on the 12th.here are some pictures ,u can put this on your website,if it gets to u ok,thanks again,linda crockett,hope all is well with you!!!!!let me know if you get this!
Stephanie Friday, 4/1/11, 5:40 PM
We purchased Jasmine (Konrad Von Den Zwei Loewen x Anes Von Haus Guardian) in February, 2011 from TTS. Jasmine is being trained as a service dog for our daughter. At 4 months, she was 46 lbs. Jasmine has been an excellent addition to our family, which includes other GSD. Jasmine has bonded to our daughter and family. In public, many people have approached us in admiration of her beauty and temperment. Wendy's love of the GSD breed and care of her dogs is appreciated. We wish all GSD were bred to Jasmine's Old World GSD standard. Keep up the good work Wendy. Thank you for our Princess Jasmine!
From: MI
I just wanted to tell you how thrilled we are to have one of your dogs. Caitlin and her fiancé moved in with us due to the economy. This, of course, included Kobie. Kobie will be 6 this spring and shows no signs of arthritis and hardly seems to age. Just a hint of gray about the muzzle. She occasionally is a bit stiff after a heavy workout chasing squirrels because she likes to jump up the trees after the pesky squirrels. She gnaws at the bark at the peak of her leap leaving marks not too unlike deer scrapes. Winter is her favorite season and she loves to play in the snow, bounding like a gazelle, pouncing on sticks that have blown off of the trees. Her unbridled enthusiasm gives us endless pleasure. I will try to capture some side views so you can see her in all her glory but here is a headshot.
Samantha Monday, 11/8/10, 8:39 PM
Hello, I wanted to take a few moments to share my experience with Wendy. I had become a ¿victim¿ of a bad breeder. (LONG STORY SHORT) I had purchased a puppy from Banffy Haus German Shepherds, when she was 7 weeks old we found out we would not be able to keep her. I contacted Mr. Banffy and his response was basically too bad. He refused to give me a refund, I had already paid for her in full, and told me that my options were to walk away with no refund and no dog, or the only other option was to take her and sell her myself. I don¿t even need to say all the things that are WRONG with that. Thank goodness for Wendy. She saw one of the ads and contacted me, hoping I was a breeder. After telling her what I was going through, she spent several hours on the phone with me helping me figure out what to do. I contacted my bank and they said that they would be able to get back a partial refund, minus the $650.00 deposit I paid. Even thought this was a relief, I was still not satisfied with letting him keep her and re-sell her and let him make a profit of the deposit I paid PLUS reselling her for the full price to someone else. So I kept putting up ads in hopes someone would be able to give her a forever home. I talked to Wendy several times that week and every time, we spent several hours talking about the situation and what I can do. She helped my find out how to make a complaint on the Better Business Bureau, as he is a member who claims to be a ¿stand-up guy¿ and has a A rating. (However there are other stories I have heard with the bad experiences with them but no one seems to make a complaint). She also offered suggestions on who would want her, such as other MI breeders¿.her father is X-BOX the 2010 Seiger Champion. We also talked about her breeding practices vs. the practices of ¿not very honest breeders¿ and our experiences with them. Every step of this horrible experience, Wendy was there for me with any questions that I had, or even to just talk. THANKFULLY, we found her a forever home. And we were able to almost break even, minus the time and money for ads, and the gas to drive to go get her to bring her to her new home¿. This experience was HORRIBLE and we are soo blessed that Wendy was there for us every step. We believe that Wendy is TRULY an amazing person and she is going to help you anyway possible. We plan on getting a pup from TTS German Shepherds as soon as the situation allows it. Again, THANK YOU WENDY SOO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! -- Samantha On a second note, if you have any other questions about my experience with Banffy Haus, PLEASE PLEASE contact me. I have all the emails from Mr. Banffy, and there was many other issues with them then mentioned. HE IS NOT A GOOD BREEDER. THE PUP HAS WAS MAYBE 10 POUNDS WHEN WE GOT HER AT 8 WEEKS AND HAS A SUSPECTED URINARY TRACT INFECTION, she was taken to the vet today and I am waiting to hear from her new owners, PLEASE DO NOT BUY A PUP FROM HIM!
From: Mt. Pleasant, MI
Dawn Saturday, 8/14/10, 12:40 AM
Hi Wendy, wanted you to know that Winter is doing GREAT!! 10 months old and 114 pounds she takes up my whole bed now, no she¿s not allowed up there but somehow she¿s very light on her feet so I don¿t feel her sneaking up with me. I'm thinking I should try her dog bed lol =) I so love that she loves the water, I go swimming with her nearly everyday, sometimes I keep her on a long line because she is interested in the Loon. She also has her big girl bark now and I feel so safe having her around. Funny when I first got her in December, she fit to walk under her full grown sister Lilly (Irish setter) and the other day Lilly walked under Winter!! She is so big and beautiful; I'm looking forward to her 18 month checks. She is such a happy dog, when I look at her I just can't believe I'm the one blessed to have her. You (and Anthony) picked out the perfect puppy for me and my lifestyle. She is just awesome!!! I can't thank you enough.... Dawn & Winter
From: Michigan
Jennifer Saturday, 5/21/11, 6:21 PM
Thank you for all your help, advice, coaching, listening, and most of all for being such a great mentor and friend to me! You are a person with great integrity, a big heart, and endless knowledge of geman shepherds. I really admire and think highly of you and your ethics. I wish more breeders were like you. Thanks again! Your friend, Jennifer
From: Kalkaska
Autum Ramon <autumashley@
May 12
to me
Just an update on Alice 4 yrs old (Onis & Fhelkor puppy) and Miles 3 yrs old (Onis & Jerry Lee puppy) both just passed their Canine Good Citizen . They are healthy, happy, and the joy of our lives. I can't say thank you enough for all of your guidance and knowledge. Hope all is well with you.
Yong How <yonghow.lim@
May 16
to me
Hi Wendy,
How are you doing?
We are starting to enjoy spring with Bella, but it got cooler again.
We have just completed Off-Leash training with her and here is a short video of the training. Hope you like it.
Bella has been doing well, and has grown into a beautiful dog.
She is 80lb now.
Video linked here, it is privately shared with your email, so you need to be logged in to Youtube / Google to view the video.
Have a great weekend.
Margaret Rial <mjrforthillfarm@
Apr 9 2014
to me
Dear Wendy,
I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of your knowledge, care, and love you have for your German Shepherds. It is SO evident in the puppy we purchased from you, a male from Jerry Lee and Cara's litter.
What a beautiful puppy! His looks are so striking; and he is getting that German Shepherd gait already- but what is most important to me, is his lovely temperament. He is happy, good natured, and very smart. We are so fortunate to have found you! You really take time to discuss anything and everything regarding Shepherds. Your dogs are family companions, and that was so crucial to our search for our next German Shepherd dog. We had lost our shepherd last fall due to a stroke, and I knew it would be almost impossible to find another boy as nice as our Gerwig.
But we have!
Wendy, this puppy is everything we hoped for. When he arrived in Pittsburgh at the airport, we fell instantly in love! He strolled out of the travelling crate in excellent condition- I think his outgoing, calm disposition was definitely an asset for the trip. Since then, he made an instant bond- I believe all the attention and care you give to your dogs prepares them for a life of joy with their new families!
Shipping a puppy by air is no doubt a stressful and worrisome venture for both the breeder and new owner. But you were obviously familiar with the process, and kept us updated every step of the way - the experience was very positive and you did everything possible to keep the puppy healthy and happy throughout the whole journey.
THANK YOU for everything, Wendy- we are thrilled beyond imagination, and our adventures with Zelig have just begun! Will of course keep you posted as he grows and delights-
Lori Mikita <l>
Hi Wendy!
Sorry it has taken me a while to get pictures to you. Zoe is doing great and is the love of our lives. She seems to be such an intelligent puppy and already a great companion.
We couldn't be happier with Zoe!
Thank you!
Peter Barta <peter.barta@l.com>
Hey Wendy - just responding to your recent FB post asking for pictures. Here are a few of Boo, she's doing great! We love her!
Peter & Kelly
to me
Hi Wendy!
Facebook wouldnt let me attach any photos so I thought I would send them to you this way. Hanz and Val are doing remarkably well. The little guy weighted in at a whooping 39lbs last week. He has an extremely serious side to him, and is so loving. He went to his first horse show at MSU this weekend and was a chick magnet! Our vet took down all your information, he says that Hanz
is the best in temperament and structure that he has seen in years! He sends big kudos!
Nicole Whitney
11/9, 8:28am
Nicole Whitney
I would definitely go with them. Wendy is an amazing breeder. She will walk you through everything and actually cares about her dogs after they find their forever homes. I work as a veterinary technician and she starts the puppy's off right by getting them their first set of shots as well as starting them on Sentinel- which is a flea, wormer, and heart worm prevention medication. She also has the vet microchip them. Beware as a lot of breeders do vaccines themselves and could potentially make any dog you get sick. I looked through dozens and dozens of breeders even going as far as sending a $500 deposit to one who never got back into contact with me. Needless to say I was hesitant and a nervous wreck but Wendy was awesome. She is also very knowledgeable about the breed and will answer any questions you have. Major is now almost ten months old and is the most beautiful dog ever- I'm biased. He is very protective of his family but to those he knows a very loving and sweet dog. Sharp and smart as a whip and very active. However he has no problems curling up on the couch and watching movies as long as he is with his family. This is definitely a breeder you would want to go through. We are considering getting a second shepherd in the next year or two and will be definitely going through TTS. Good luck with your new addition and you can always contact me with any questions!
Chelsea Jo Robinette
Dec 16th, 2:15pm
Hi Wendy!
Just wanted to send you some updated pictures of Kingston. This boy brings SO much happiness into my life and I am so grateful for him everyday. He loves fetch and will not let me go through a day without taking him outside at least once for a long game with his favorite ball. Everyday he makes me smile or laugh with his goofy personality. The love I have for him is beyond words! Thank you for bringing him into my life!! Happy Holidays to you and your family.
-Chelsea, Alex and Kingston
Carolyn Borkowski
Attachments Sep 7, 2016
to me
Hi Wendy, just a quick update on Levi. Levi had a vet appt. yesterday, he is 23.3 pounds right now and growing everyday.. He is such a great addition to our family!! I think we have the potty training all done, which was fairly easy.. As I've said before we are all so amazed at just how quickly he learns and wants to please.. In what my husband and I consider the best breed of dogs, he has truly met our expectations.. He came from good lines, and that shows!!! We all
Love him to pieces.. More pics and updates soon.
Carolyn Borkowski <pinkscout1973@.com>
Attachments Aug 31, 2016
to me
Hi Wendy, as you can see Levi is doing quite well.. In the short time we've had him he amazes me how quickly he learns.. He is doing well with potty training, he can also sit, lay, and shake on command.. He is very well behaved, he definitely has his moments, but to be completely expected from a puppy his age.. We all absolutely love him so much.. More pics soon..
Margaret Cooper <mjrgarden@.com>
Attachments Apr 21, 2016
to me
Hi wendy,
Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you but I wanted to give you an update on Zelig. He is two years old now!
From the moment he arrived in pittsburgh at the cargo pick up, through puppy hood and now an adult, he has been in perfect health and is the perfect dog.
His energy level is on the quiet side which I love. He waits patiently for me and with me whatever I am doing. He is obedient, affectionate, and playful. He is alert and will sound off at strangers showing up. But he is never vicious or unpredictable .
He is an incredibly sweet boy and it was love at first sight. I thank you wendy for raising solid , reliable and beautiful German shepherds!
Margaret Rial
conniebarst <conniebarst@.com>
Mar 10
to me
hi my name is Kenny my daughter face and I went to meet Wendy from TTS German Shepherds and we bought a dog named Callie approximately 5 years ago we brought her home and since then she's still our heart from the very first second we saw her and still continues to do so each day. Callie is the sweetest most gentle German Shepherd we have ever come across she is loyal and compassionate and a dedicated Watchdog yet playful and gentle and loving to all. this dog has the best temperament of any Shepherd my husband and I have ever had any experience being around I would highly recommend getting a dog from Wendy she definitely knows what she's doing!!
Steve Charles <gunner@.com>
to me
Just wanted to let you know how great Freya is doing. She is almost 7 and still as happy and healthy as she has always been.
Any time someone is looking for a Shepherd I drop your name. She has accepted all our animals and is as lovable as ever.
If anyone would like to contact me on your shepherds I would be glad to give them my info.
Phone 906 437-5864
Email gunner@jamadots.com
Facebook Stacy (Varino) Charles
Please feel free to share.
Sent from my iPad
ZacharyandNicole Bailey <zacharynicolebailey@.com>
to me
To Whom It May Concern:
I have purchased two dogs from TTS German Shepherds/Wendy Bird. The first dog I purchased was Major. He is almost three years old and the smartest dog I have ever met. He is of sound health and behavior, everything you would ever want in a shepherd. He is gentle to family and friends yet I never have to worry when my husband works late, as he says “Major is there to watch you”. Major is also my epilepsy assistance dog, always there to help me in my time of need. Truly a once in a lifetime best friend.
Trooper is the second dog I got from TTS. He just turned one year about a month ago. Trooper is so kind and smart. He follows my Husband and I from room to room and will not let us out of his sight. Trooper and Major get along great with not only each other, but with other dogs and cats at our animal hospital. They often go from cage to cage of hospitalized patients almost as if they are trying to comfort the sick animals and help us nurse them back to health. Both my dogs are loved by all who meet them.
I work as a veterinary technician in an animal hospital, and they both come to work daily with me and interact with the clients. Their loving nature, high intelligence, and solid temperaments have convinced even the most skeptical clients who are afraid of big dogs that German Shepherds are a great breed. I get asked at least five times daily where I got my dogs from because someone always wants their own “Major” or “Trooper” for their family. What can I say; these two can warm anyone’s heart.
When I was first looking into getting a shepherd, I called dozens of breeders. Wendy was the first breeder to talk to me as a person and not just as a person buying a dog. She was extremely knowledgeable and wants to make sure each of the new owners knows what goes into being a German shepherd owner. Wendy even went as far as driving four hours to deliver Major to us and meet us. We were very impressed. She wants each of her pups to have their “forever home”, and from first phone call to after getting our second dog from TTS, whenever we have a question or need advice, Wendy is always there to help. She is a kind and compassionate person and breeder; she truly looks at each dog as one of her own kids and cares for them as such. One of the coolest things is the TTS Facebook page where TTS owners past and present can connect and share photos and stories of our babies. When the thought of getting our second dog, there was no doubt we would go back to TTS for a second furry family member.
I would recommend (and do so on a daily basis) that anyone looking to get a German Shepherd should seek out Wendy and TTS. You not only gain a dog, but you gain a lifelong friend in Wendy. Her knowledge and expertise on the breed will make you feel at ease and make owning your own German shepherd a wonderful experience.
Nicole J. Bailey
Kelly <kelaron@.com>
to me
Hi Wendy,
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to welcome one of your puppies into our world. We appreciate your love of the breed and your concern when finding appropriate human parents. Our baby, Scout, is smart, happy and healthy. Although we do not have children of our own, we are surrounded by nieces and nephews and babies of all sizes. Our home is busy with friends and company and Scout has always found her comfortable spot near the action, but never intrusive. She is an awesome traveler, as she has a second home on Mackinac Island. She travels by car, ferry, horse taxi, plane and even snow mobile. Just don't leave me, mom and dad! We are so very happy. Thank you.
Kelly Coates and Ron Mindy
Sent from my bat phone
Ann Szymanski <peirogi17@.net>
to me
Hi Wendy!
We had been searching for a reputable breeder for some time. From our first conversation I knew we found the one! You took the time to answer all our questions and gave advice that is very helpful. You want what is best for your dogs and I could tell how much you love them and care for them.
It's been quite a journey this year waiting for our puppy. After Rumor lost her litter we decided to wait for the next one. When you called to tell us that Marley had been bred, we were so excited!
Even more so when you called with the news that the puppies were here!
Things happen for a reason. We now have a healthy, happy puppy. Frieda was meant to be with us! She is confident and loves her belly rubs!
The wait was worth it!
We look forward to sharing pictures and stories with you as she grows!
Thank you again for everything!
The Szymanski Family
David Dee <shilohk9otb@yahoo.com>
to me
Wendy, December 30, 2015
As usual, your well-bred German Shepherds are still bringing much joy and benefit to me.
Thinking back over 8 years ago when I bought my dog, Noah, from you, and when he developed an anal glad problem causing me the grief of having to put him to sleep...
Well, you then gave me another pup, Shiloh,
at no charge! Amazing!
Now, having a pup, Trooper, from my Shiloh and your Marley, what a great history between us!
Waiting for one of your puppies, no matter what litter results from your breeding of your different dogs, it is well worth it.
Thank you for working hard to breed GSD's to the standard of what a GSD should be!
You are my trusted source for a quality German Shepherd Dog. I know it takes a strong-willed person to handle this very special breed, but you offer the right stuff in all of your breedings.
David Dee
Neil and Dawn Shepherd <theshepherdcrew@com>
to me
Our baby boy is getting big, he was at the vet today and his weight is 70lbs. at 8 months old. We are hoping that he will grow into his ears, they are getting bigger at least we think so.
He was at the vet due to lameness in his back right leg it had been going on for a week and thought it was time for him to be seen. He has Panosteitis (growing pains). This is our 3rd GS and we have not experienced this yet. They did an x-ray to make sure everything else was okay, the vet said he would class him as having "fair" hips that his left one could cause him problems down the road. We are not worried about this we are not breading him, he is our baby.
Rascal is very good with our 5 year old Nicholas, they are best buddies. If anyone comes into the house and sit on the couch he will go up to them and puts his head on there shoulder. We call it him give away hugs. He is a cuddle bug!
Hope you are doing well!
Heidilynn72blue <heidilynn72blue@.com>
AttachmentsAug 18
to me
Hi Wendy,
Just an update on our new puppy Maya from Tank and Aslan. She is doing well in less than a week with potty training and very smart, we can all tell already. Thank you for bringing our puppy to us and for making our new addition easier. You are always there for help or to answer questions. We thought our female Abbey would have the biggest problem, but I think she likes puppy more than Bolt.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
Danielle Robinettet
Sent by Messenger 10/03/2017
Maverick is doing WONDERFUL!!!!! We love him so much already and he already fits in with the pack. I am very surprised as to how much Damian likes him and seems very gently with him. Maverick LOVES Colin, follows him everywhere which makes it very difficult when chelsea & Alex come to pick colin up as they always try sneaking Maverick out the door too!!!!! Maverick has already learned how to do the stairs and is doing very well with potty training. Unlike Damian Maverick doesn’t seem interested in the white dogs but he is very interested in Damian, and Colin. Cant thank you enough Wendy, if you ever need a reference please let me know.Damian is gonna be one happy boy with his baby brother. Just cant thank you enough, Wendy. You are amazing and so are your dogs!!!!!!!! 💙🐾❤️
Kathryn Kucharek <kathrynkucharek@gmail.com>
Jun 22 (11 days ago)
to me
Hi Wendy!
I just wanted to write to you about my experience so far with Henry who came from Macie and Aslan’s second litter. From the day we came to pick him up he has just brought so much joy into our lives. He has a very relaxed personality and pretty much loves every person/animal he meets yet shows a protective side when necessary. I had no issues crate training or potty training him. General obedience came super easy to him. Show him one or two times and he has it. Currently we are working toward him being completely off leash obedient and also working toward getting his CGC. I’ve also been told by a few people he could make a great therapy dog because of his temperament. Henry is also great with kids! As you know I also have a 5 year old son and they are best friends. Wendy I can’t thank you enough for giving us such a wonderful dog and we will most definitely be getting another TTS German Shepherd in the future! :)
Have a great weekend,
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